I'm HOME!!! I got in Friday night to the airport like around 10 p.m., and then drove to Knoxville. We got there around 2 am their time, and had to wake up at 6 am for the graduation!! I was super tired, but the great thing is that at 7 we had breakfast in the hotel, and I got to see all of my family at once! My grandparents, uncles, cousins...so overwhelming but fun!!!! Sheena's graduation was of course boring, but she looked beautiful, and she's so excited to be done...I'm proud of her. She's already got a full time job lined up that she enjoys. It's right up her alley, and I think it will be a good start for her career-wise. My brother's huge, and I couldn't believe how tall he is and how much he's thinned out. Plus, he's really sweet and sarcastic. He's fun to be around......and he's into girls. I mean, I know he should be, but it's just wierd. Something else wierd is that I'm officially the smallest person in our family. Seriously, I go from being the green giant, and feeling large, to feeling short and skinny!! I love it! :) Everyone says I'm so thin, where as just last week my Salvadoran family was telling me that I've gained weight and that I'm "gordita." So funny.
In short, it's great being home, even though it's wierd. I broke down at an Italian restaurant Sat. night. I was deliriously tired, and emotional. So, Sheena and I started laughing about something, and that turned into me sobbing at the table. Craziness. But, it felt good to let it all out. Oh, and p.s., I colored my hair! It's a lot darker. I like the change...it makes me feel more sophisticated. :) I'll put a pic on later.
Mire mi chica mas sofisticada!!! mmmm... bueno, me alegra que seas tan feliz y que podas disfrutar al máximo de tu familia y las cosas y personas que querés... talvez la vida es mejor asi, no crees?..pero bueno, cada loco con su tema!!.. cuidate mucho Ginger.. y te extraño ya!(un poquito!!!jajajaja.. bromas..) salúp!
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