Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Life is really fun right now because Nov. and Dec. are full of cosas! I´m preparing to go to a Quinciniera this week, after going to a North American family´s house for a Thanksgiving meal on Thurs. Then, to ¨Carnival¨in San Miguel to see the wild side of this country...hahaha. Then, very soon, the second week of Dec. we´re having a party\dance in my canton, the day before I leave for the U.S. Then, I´ll be there in the gran Norte for 2 weeks. Plus, we´re starting the letrine project. So, I´m pretty busy right now, but mainly just with thoughts of travel. We were supposed to go to the Marine Ball this past weekend, but the peeps didn´t buy the tickets in time, so instead I just hung out with Ramfis in the captiol. It was fun times, and I got so excited like a little kid because San Salvador´s decorated for Christmas, and they were playing Christmas songs in English in the shopping centers. Also, we popped popcorn, and I bought M&Ms to put in it, and we watched a movie...after eating Pizza Hut. I sound so United Statesy, right?!? It´s so funny how the little things in life bring such joy. For instance, last night it rained for the first time in a while because now we´ve entered summer. It made me so happy to see the rain, and smell it, and feel the bit of cool air that it brought, as well as how it tamed all of the dust in the air. So, thank God for the small gifts we receive each day...smiles, hugs, kind words, sunsets, rain, a free entry to the market bathroom, an unexpected trip to the cyber cafe, etc. etc. Ahhh, feels good to take time and appreciate life. I don´t do that often enough. I´ve become a worrier, I think. Or maybe just an anxious person. It comes with this job...always conscious of the future, as well as trying to make everyone possible happy. It´s tiring, and I pray God can allow me to feel peace and tranquility again. I like being mellow. It´s healthier.


the williams said...

hey!! it sounds like things are going so well! i can't wait to see you either! it's not too long!