Friday, October 06, 2006

So, I went to a swing dance workshop last night for 4 hours, and I gotta say, I didn't realize how much I don't know! It was amazing how much I learned in those hours, and also how humbling it was to be like, oh...I'm not so good...I need a lot of work. I think it's a process for anyone working on an artform, especially professionals. It was just cool, though. We mainly concentrated on following (something I thought I did really well, but realized I stink ;O), and it reminded me of something one of the girls here told me about a month ago. She said that when she was learning to dance, it was a huge lesson to her in life and spiritually. See, as a follower, I can only do what my leader tells me to do, one step at a time. I may assume what will happen next from past dances, or may try to finish a pattern because of knowledge of the step, but the lead can change it at anytime, using creativity and the music to make his own patterns, his own style, and his own steps. My job is to follow each movement, wherever he leads...even if it's different than what I'm used to. Also, I'm not in control of where I lead is. He's driving, and I'm along for the ride. However, the fun part is that sometimes I get to add in my own steps, and my own styling...once I've learned how to follow completely. It's pretty cool how dance and life correlate so much. Trust and following...makes sense.


Anna said...

That's a great analogy!

the williams said...

hey! i feel the same way. and i thought about you this morning because i had a dream that i was a dancer. crazy. can you imagine? how AWFUL would that be?!?!?