All this week it's been so great seeing old friends and catching up. Also, family that I don't always talk to, but when I do it's like we never missed a beat. I love that!! Also, it's been nice being in church and being able to worship and be in fellowship without so much skepticism in my heart. Overall, I've thoroughly enjoyed being back home, and it makes it difficult to go back. However, I do have one thing/person keeping me excited to return...Ramfis! Thankfully, I'll be spending New Year's Eve with him and his family. Well, hope everyone else's Christmas was fantastic!! Let's remember to pray for the poor and homeless, and to be cheerful givers!!!Once again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
All this week it's been so great seeing old friends and catching up. Also, family that I don't always talk to, but when I do it's like we never missed a beat. I love that!! Also, it's been nice being in church and being able to worship and be in fellowship without so much skepticism in my heart. Overall, I've thoroughly enjoyed being back home, and it makes it difficult to go back. However, I do have one thing/person keeping me excited to return...Ramfis! Thankfully, I'll be spending New Year's Eve with him and his family. Well, hope everyone else's Christmas was fantastic!! Let's remember to pray for the poor and homeless, and to be cheerful givers!!!Once again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Posted by
In Transition
12:02 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
I'm HOME!!! I got in Friday night to the airport like around 10 p.m., and then drove to Knoxville. We got there around 2 am their time, and had to wake up at 6 am for the graduation!! I was super tired, but the great thing is that at 7 we had breakfast in the hotel, and I got to see all of my family at once! My grandparents, uncles, overwhelming but fun!!!! Sheena's graduation was of course boring, but she looked beautiful, and she's so excited to be done...I'm proud of her. She's already got a full time job lined up that she enjoys. It's right up her alley, and I think it will be a good start for her career-wise. My brother's huge, and I couldn't believe how tall he is and how much he's thinned out. Plus, he's really sweet and sarcastic. He's fun to be around......and he's into girls. I mean, I know he should be, but it's just wierd. Something else wierd is that I'm officially the smallest person in our family. Seriously, I go from being the green giant, and feeling large, to feeling short and skinny!! I love it! :) Everyone says I'm so thin, where as just last week my Salvadoran family was telling me that I've gained weight and that I'm "gordita." So funny.
In short, it's great being home, even though it's wierd. I broke down at an Italian restaurant Sat. night. I was deliriously tired, and emotional. So, Sheena and I started laughing about something, and that turned into me sobbing at the table. Craziness. But, it felt good to let it all out. Oh, and p.s., I colored my hair! It's a lot darker. I like the makes me feel more sophisticated. :) I'll put a pic on later.
Posted by
In Transition
5:02 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
This week is gonna be crazy, and I love it!!! So, today I have a meeting with Intervida to discuss the possibility of them funding our clinic. Then, tomorrow I´m going craft shopping with Ramfis in a town that´s known for handmade artisan work. Then, Mon. Don Ezequiel and I are going to Morazan to bring the letrine pieces to the canton, where we´ll start that project. Then, Tues. the same man and I are going to request a letter from the health clinic in the pueblo saying that we need a clinic in Potrero de Joco, so that we can go the the Ministry of Health and get a contract saying they´ll give us medicines and a nurse if we build the clinic. Then, on Wed. I´m giving that women´s health day again, where we focus on Diabetes this time. Then, Fri. an all English day (it´s gonna be fun with lots of activities and food and everything), and then Sun. and Mon., I´m going to some island to translate for a medical campaign coming through. Then, the 13th we have this huge community party, and the 14th I´m on a plane to TN!!!! I´m glad that things are so busy, and can´t belive I only lack 2 weeks ´til I see my family and some friends!!
This last weekend I went to this remote town called Ojeo. Basically, it´s in the middle of nowhere, and we had to bathe and wash clothes and dishes in the river. I thanked God that I don´t have to live that way. Of course, I enjoyed the adventure for a couple of days, but for a way of spankyou. But, my little sister Ana was beautiful in her big pink dress, and she got tons of gifts. These people live it up for the 15th b-day! Tons of food, cake, cokes, decorations, unnecessary expenses, but it was fun. It was a church service because since they´re evangelicals, they can´t have a dance. But, they invited this cool worship-praise group to play and sing. They did a lot of salsa and cumbia style songs, and I was bee-boppin´in my chair in the church. My family made fun of me, but I was like, whatever, it´s good music!!
Posted by
In Transition
10:01 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Life is really fun right now because Nov. and Dec. are full of cosas! I´m preparing to go to a Quinciniera this week, after going to a North American family´s house for a Thanksgiving meal on Thurs. Then, to ¨Carnival¨in San Miguel to see the wild side of this country...hahaha. Then, very soon, the second week of Dec. we´re having a party\dance in my canton, the day before I leave for the U.S. Then, I´ll be there in the gran Norte for 2 weeks. Plus, we´re starting the letrine project. So, I´m pretty busy right now, but mainly just with thoughts of travel. We were supposed to go to the Marine Ball this past weekend, but the peeps didn´t buy the tickets in time, so instead I just hung out with Ramfis in the captiol. It was fun times, and I got so excited like a little kid because San Salvador´s decorated for Christmas, and they were playing Christmas songs in English in the shopping centers. Also, we popped popcorn, and I bought M&Ms to put in it, and we watched a movie...after eating Pizza Hut. I sound so United Statesy, right?!? It´s so funny how the little things in life bring such joy. For instance, last night it rained for the first time in a while because now we´ve entered summer. It made me so happy to see the rain, and smell it, and feel the bit of cool air that it brought, as well as how it tamed all of the dust in the air. So, thank God for the small gifts we receive each day...smiles, hugs, kind words, sunsets, rain, a free entry to the market bathroom, an unexpected trip to the cyber cafe, etc. etc. Ahhh, feels good to take time and appreciate life. I don´t do that often enough. I´ve become a worrier, I think. Or maybe just an anxious person. It comes with this job...always conscious of the future, as well as trying to make everyone possible happy. It´s tiring, and I pray God can allow me to feel peace and tranquility again. I like being mellow. It´s healthier.
Posted by
In Transition
12:09 PM
Monday, November 05, 2007
So, Ramfis came and visited this weekend because he had vacation for the holiday, Dia de Los Muertos. I was extremely excited, but nervous because it isn´t really my home, so I wasn´t sure how to host. Also, I didn´t know how they would all treat him since he has an earring in his eyebrow...however, the nerves went fast. Everyone loved him, of course, because he´s super great with the people, and the kids wouldn´t give us time alone!! He was a hit with them. Saturday we all hiked to the waterfall...we were the first to go since July. It was very different from all of the storms, and very shallow with like this new little island in the middle of the waterbed...not quite as beautiful, but still fun and to me pretty! Then, our pig gave birth to 7 little piglets, and our cat killed a chicken, so we got to eat it; that was a nice treat. A very active, yet relaxing weekend, and now I´m ready for 2 weeks of work!!! It´s super hard to focus, though, because I just think about Dec. and how I´m gonna go home soon. It feels a bit like senioritis!!! :) hahaha
Posted by
In Transition
10:06 AM
Labels: Fall Fun
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Check out this salsa dancing.....well, it´s a mix of samba and salsa, but a great routine...enjoy and marvel!!!!
salsa de Cali
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Posted by
In Transition
2:35 PM
This weekend was soooo much fun!! I went to my friend, Maria´s going away party because she´s getting married and moving to Ecuador. We had good food, good company, and good times! Plus, I got to go shopping because my mom sent me my card! Yeh! Also, went to the beach for a PC conference....a blast! I met a really cool chick who also went to L.A. Mosaic!! We were so excited to find another believer!! Then, Fri. night I got to go Salso dancing - like for real! The guys were really good, and you couldn´t wipe the smile off of my face! A live band too! I think I´m gonna try and go atleast once every 2 months. Then, I got to spend a very fabulous Saturday with Ramfis...we had tortas, walked around Santa Tecla (this really cute town that has lots of personality and great street vendors) eating fruit off of the street, watched a movie (in English), and just chilled at his parents´house drinking coffee and eating sweet bread. Great times. Seriously, I had so much fun. Then, this week, our softball team won, we´re on the ball with the sale of the land for the clinic, and everything´s on track mas o menos. Mrs. Sherri Worley sent me some yummy yummy yummy chocolate oatmeal cookies and these peanut butter chocolate things. They´re so good that I´m gonna be putting on some pounds!! hahaha. But, seriously, great stuff...and who knew you could mail such things?!?!?
Mad TV - Miss Swan At The Drive Thru
For a laugh or two!!! Miss these sketches!!
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Posted by
In Transition
1:54 PM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
West Coast Swing....My Favorite Dance!! Isn't it cool and beautiful?!?!? I miss it! I wonder how this year's "So You Think You Can Dance" competitors are doing. Oh well, in case you didn't notice, I have a new blog design! Lovin' it!!! Hope you do too!
Posted by
In Transition
2:21 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Just a quick little story to give glory to my God...the night before last, my knees were hurting really badly (something I´ve had since childhood), and I didn´t want to get out of bed to take an ibuprofen. So, I said to God, ¨Oh God, my knee hurts! And I know all I have to do is go take a pill, but I don´t want to get out of bed, and plus, you´re way better than pills! Please Father, I know that if you say it, it will happen, so please tell my knee to stop hurting.¨ And I´m here to tell you that in that instant I felt no more pain! No joke. I felt like one of those ladies in the Gospels who is healed by Jesus and can´t stop praising Him. So, just a little reminder that if we truly believe, He is faithful to answer......and it´s great that God really does care about the ¨little things ¨ in our lives!! :)
Posted by
In Transition
11:01 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
It´s been a while since I last wrote...sorry about that. But, the news is that 1. the mayor´s office is buying the land that we need, so this month we´ll be beginning to solicit for a health clinic...exciting!!! 2. my favorite, Ana, my beautiful host sister, is moving...she´s leaving me!! She´s going to move back with her parents in November. Also, in Nov., I´ll be attending her 15th birthday party. it´s a big deal. So, I´ve gotta go shopping for a good gift, and thankfully, mom and Sheena are mailing me a dress to wear. 3. I´ll be teaching the ADESCO how to make a budget this month, as well as planning for the letrine project. 4. This Friday is women´s health day and will be giving a charla on breast cancer and how to self-test. 5. Only 8 weeks to go until I´m in Greenfield again!!! Can´t wait! 6. Made some homemade fudge, thanks to my mommy! She sent me the ingredients in the you! It was scrumdiddlylicious! The kids loved it too. I was a bit jealous and selfish because I wanted to eat more! That´s about it for right now, but fill you in more later! Hugs and Kisses!
Posted by
In Transition
3:22 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
This weekend was lots of fun!!! Went to Guatemala City and saw Heroes in concert...awesome!! But, itś a dangerous city. There was a bit of an episode, but thankfully we all got back safe and sound, and are back in ES. We went in a microbus full of rockers on a 4 hour ride with no sleep and much anticipation. We ate McDonalds and hung out there for several hours, trying to rest a bit before the big she-bang. It was fun, but cold!!! Such a difference! I had a sweater, but it did little good against the wind. But, much better to be cold than hot...good times!! Good news is that Ramfis shared his pics with me, so now there are a few to share with you!! I think I m a fan now of this should all check ém out...even though its in Spanish!! The stage setting was probably the biggest I've ever seen in an outdoor stadium, with several different lighting tricks and lots of big screens with videos and photos and some really good graphic design was great to have that type of a show being so far from the stage. The thing is, they were a group like 10 years back, and they split up. This is their first tour since then, and is their last. So, it was packed and my peeps were especially emotional. I didn't realize how big of rivals ES and GA are, but it was pretty crazy to see the flag running and the fights break out and the guards with paint guns...really crazy. Thank God we were high up and far from the chaos. So, good times and great oldies...Heroes Rocks.
Posted by
In Transition
2:04 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Isn't it amazing how God works? Yesterday I had a full day of one-on-one Spanish classes. My teacher, Angelica, at one point said she heard I tell good stories and wanted me to tell one to show her my conversation skills. I was like, well, what kind of story do you want to hear? So, she wrote Religion and Politics on the board. I said, ooooh, my 2 favorite topics! So, she said, bueno, tell me a story about the religion in your canton. I was like, oh girl, where do I start?!? Well, one story led to another, and eventually, I was giving my full testimony and the saving power of Jesus Christ and how God changed me, and how I went from being religious like the people in my canton, and seeing slavery to religion and tradition in my own country, to being free in Christ and realizing it's not a list of laws and rules, but a life change that gives me new desires to serve and love and a Guide for wise decision making. Well, she said she's Catholic and told me her similiar experience. We were getting so excited to be sharing in the Faith...we were like little school girls. Well, she shared her time of speaking in tongues and how she's never been the same, and then I shared the Peru experience about the girl who was demon-posessed, and then we both talked about God's power and how it's a shame so many "Christians" deny that part of God and say it isn't Biblical. We both were like, hello! We've read it in Acts and in Corinthians!!! :) Anyway, it was a blessing to have that time with her...not only to share, but also to vent to a fellow Salvadoran who understood my frustrations. Good God Times.
Posted by
In Transition
10:59 AM
I'm at such a strange place right now because I'm doing very well...projects and work are going well, relationships are going well, I'm learning more and more Spanish, I'm learning more and more of my God, etc. But, for some reason, I'm extremely homesick. I always get this way in the Fall. The last years in CA were the same, because I would have this longing to be with my family, have cookouts, go on hayrides, go fishing, go to football games (even though I'm not a fan), carve pumpkins, see the beautiful leaves change, eat lots and lots of food. I don't know., it seems like the fam got together much more in this season. Plus, there's nothing like a Tennessee Autumn. So, I'm attributing this ache to all of that. Plus, I talked to Sheena Monday for a long time, and we laughed and did our usual, and I just miss her and miss sharing stupid SNL sketches with someone or quotes from a movie, or lines from a song. No one gets that here. I've tried explaining it in Spanish, but it just doesn't work. Plus, I'm convinced that our point of humor is distinctly different. I also had a craving the other day to just go to a grocery store and buy some Moose Tracks ice cream and watch a movie....well, that's not a possibility. Plus, sometimes I listen to my i-pod at night before I sleep, but lately it's just been making me sad because most of my music is jazz or blues or rock-a-billy or swingy stuff, so it just makes me want to dance, or remember Lindy Groove, or etc. It almost brings tears to my eyes because I miss dancing so much. So, I'm making a mental list of what I want to do in December. 1. Watch a ton of movies. 2. Eat a hot dog and chips/dip. 3. Eat Moose Tracks ice cream. 4.Go swing dancing. 5. Go Salsa dancing. 6. Go to Pancake house with G-Daddy. 7. Go to Memphis and see some blues. 8. Go to a GOOD coffee shop. 9. Ride the 4-wheeler. 10. Bake and bake and bake Christmas goodies. 11. Play in snow. 12. Eat lots of homemade biscuits (molasses, honey, jam, sausage, whatever else to accompany). 13. Drink lots of sweet tea. 14. Get my back popped. 15. Buy a camera. :) 16. Play the piano. 17. Spend endless hours with my family and friends, laughing, talking, playing, shopping, etc. Love you guys and missing you!
Posted by
In Transition
10:43 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
So, the land buying process is finally happening! I´ll be travelling a lot, though. Today I went to Usulutan to try and retrieve the extratada, but I have to go back Friday. Then, tomorrow I go to another city for Spanish exam and classes, and then Wed. to another city for a meeting with the United Nations Agriculture program. Then, it´s a possibility that I´ll be going ot GA (country not state) on Sat. and Sun. with some friends for a 2 day short vacation to see a concert! Crazy, huh??
On Friday, I had my first "arguement" with my host sister. She´s 14, and she was being snappy. So, I told her that she was in a bad mood and was being haughty. You would have thought that I´d told her she was the worst person in the world! She wouldn´t talk to me the whole day, and everytime I looked at her, she´d roll her eyes. Then, I saw her crying to my host cousin Ester, and she came and asked me why I called Ana "brava". I said, well, because that´s how she was acting. Anyway, I went and apologized and hugged her, but she still didn´t talk to me until like 8:30 p.m. when I asked for her help to move the couch. She said no, because she´s still mad at me. I said, still?? Then, she laughed and helped me, and that was that. Teenagers are so strange sometimes, and what´s funny is that I feel like one in my house because there´s just the grandma, the aunt, and the teens and I. I´m telling this story, though, because even though it made me crazy the day of, and it actually really bothered me that she was angry, I realized that I have true family. I mean, that´s what sisters do, right Sheena? We´re so comfy to say what we want, that sometimes we hurt feelings, but we get over it and are right back to comfy again. So, basically, I´m settled in. I like it. I just hope the girls´mood swings don´t get worse!! Yikes!
Also, on Friday I gave a "charla" on Cervix Cancer to about 50 women from the community. It was a great turnout, and I think mainly because of the refreshments! We had popcorn, cookies, and ice tea. I ended feeling satisfied because I could see the looks of shock and concern on their faces after the info. was presented. Then, several asked where they could schedule gynocological visits. That was super exciting! Little by little, I think progress, education, and change are definitely attainable!
Posted by
In Transition
4:15 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
I started out this morning in a hurry because last night, I didn´t see one of the pieces of clothing hanging on the line, so I accidentally left it for the storm to play with. This morning, there was my black skirt, covered in mud and unexpected surprise! I had planned my morning to be able to drink coffee and have some pan dulce before heading off to Nueva Granada, but I washed instead. So, I hurried off to wait infront of the school, in desperate need of my ¨daily drug¨where a pick-up truck passes every morning to haul in the teachers. It´s the other mode of transportation if we miss the bus that comes by at 6 am. Since my meeting was scheduled for 8, I decided to go in the car at 7:15. But, the car broke down and didn´t come until 7:40. Not a big deal, though...I´m getting more and more Salvadoran everyday when it comes to time. So, we rode the 45 minutes on our rocky, dirt (or should I say mud now that we´re in winter) road standing in the back of our red pick-up, hair blowing in the cool wind (a beautiful thing...lovin´me some winter weather), trying not to step on the person next to me or touch their butt or anything, and chatting about the man who died from drinking poison. I finally got to NG at 9 am, but it was fine. The mayor didn´t seem to mind, and we joked for a while before getting to the topic. He´s nice, and I finally got me some coffee! 2 cups to be exact :) He even shared some of his sweet bread. We have this huge project where we´re trying to get the members of the community to change their d.u.i.s to be registered with NG because that´s the territorial district we belong to. By doing this, it will be easier to receive funding and projects from the local government. It´s successful. The Mayor´s office is going to fix our road (YEH!!!) starting next week, and also will probably buy some land we need to solicit for the health clinic. I think he´s going to give us a ¨casa comunal¨also. So, I was excited by our visit, as always because it gives me hope that something´s going to happen, and soon! Also, chatted on the phone with the UN´s rep that I adore, and figured out what to do about some projects gone rye under their reign. So, it´s been a productive day. After all of that, I figured since I´m already out and about, I might as well head on over to Santiago to check my e-mail, buy some pan dulce, and see what all my peeps have sent me in the post office! I love pueblo days! So, I´m sipping on some coffee waiting on the P.O. to open after their long 2 hour lunch hour, and thinking of all of my loved ones that I miss in the States. December can´t come soon enough!!
This week I learned how to make corn tamales...they´re yummmmmmy! The fam made chicken tamales also, but still confused on how it´s done. Maybe next entry. If you want recipes of some yummy campo food, just ask!
Posted by
In Transition
3:08 PM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Many of you have asked me how I´m living and who I live with and all of that. I thought I already said, but so you know, I live with a little old lady who´s very spunky, Ester, and her grandaughter Ana, who´s 14. I love them both very much. I have my own room with a bed and hammock and closet thingy. Our living room has a couch and 2 hammocks, and a TV...go figure. We don´t have a kitchen, but the house directly next to us does, and I´m constantly in and out of both houses. My house is bloque, but the other is adobe. We share everything, since we´re all family anyway. I usually just eat red beans and tortilla, and some Salvadoran cheese or I fry an egg or something. But, right now it´s winter season, so we get some veggies and also lots of corn!! I love it! There are corn tamales, corn tortas, corn on the cob, corn soup, etc. We eat rice sometimes too. Pan Dulce´s the best ever!!! And, yes, I´m still an addict to coffee. Pupusas when I go to the pueblo are a must...they´re a savory Salvadoran delicacy (not really, theý´re everywhere) that everyone must try at some point in their lives. I crave them sometimes; they´re like my new hamburger!!
So, life´s been really really good, and lots of surprises have come my way. Work´s been sensational, meaning that I feel like I have lots of it to do, and that it´s coming together well. Personally, I´ve met someone that´s great, and am thoroughly enjoying his company when I´m able. But, he lives in the capitol, and well, I don´t. But, it´s very new and very ¨chivo¨. This weekend, we went salsa dancing and to dinner, and it was crazy, because we had my camera out on the dance floor, and from goofing around a bit much (just my style, right?), we lost the camera, and someone must have stolen it. So, in the course of 2 days, I lost my phone and my camera. Therefore, more pics on my site will be delayed for a while, but eventually I´ll get a new one and keep filling you in on the ever-increasingly adventurous life of a Peace Corps Volunteer!
Posted by
In Transition
8:21 PM
I ¨don¨this blog entry as The Poop Chapter.
1. Hilarious story about my cell phone...I usually don´t ever use a latrine because I just go in the monte, but on Friday, I was like, hmmm, think I´ll use the latrine up at my uncle´s house. Well, I had my cell in my back pocket of my bluejean skirt, and I guess that as I took it off, the cell phone fell into the latrine pit!! It was so gross! So, Tio Mardoqueo, after about an hour of trying to get it out with sticks and string, and me holding the flashlight so he could see, finally retrieved the once-white phone, now-brown-phone from the dark abyss. I had to go clean it, and while I was cleaning, our mayor came to my house looking for me (I had poo on my shirt and my hands!). Can you imagine? Then, my phone ended up dying anyway. So, had to buy a new one, but that´s a huge crazy soap opera story too.
2. My little bundle of joy, the new baby boy of my ¨aunt¨Marina, gave me a gift of love as well. He´s now 2 months, and I go over to hold him all the time. Not only does it give Marina some time to do things, but also I love it! Anyway, one day he peed on me (not strange, since he never wears diapers...too expensive), and the following day, I went to pick him up and felt something nice and warm. I thought, oh, he peed again...until Marina said Oh Ginger, look at your hand!! So, I looked, and my hand as well as my beige skirt, were painted bright yellow. Fun stuff, I gotta say. Edward just looked up, laughing, like he knew that he´d made a funny. He´s so cute!
3. Following the poo theme, we are finally getting a Latrine Project in our site!!! I´m so excited, and the Mayor has worked really well with us on this, as well as amazing friends and family in Greenfield, TN! We´ll start the project in November, but the announcement´s been made, and they are currently signing up for the labor and the project. I´m gonna get to go in my own back yard, but in an outhouse!! Yeh!
Posted by
In Transition
8:11 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I just got back from a fantastic weekend of leisure and dance...who could ask for more?? But, I have a ¨recuerdo¨from the weekend...a stomach full of amoebas and a bacterial infection. Yummm...I´m sure you all wanted to know that!! :) But, thankfully, I had come to the capitol on my way home to see a friend, and it was easy to see a doctor and get meds. So, I´m on the way to recovery. I´m ready to be back in Usulutan after 6 days gone!! That´s so much time!!
But, there´s much to do, and hopefully I´ll be able to jump right back in full swing.
While I was in the mountains teaching dance, I had to phone signal. It´s times like those when you realize the people that truly care about you. I was so touched because when I finally got signal after 3 days, I had missed 30 something calls and had a ton of messages from poeple in my community. They were all worried...okay, so that made me feel bad that they were worried, but also good that they cared!! I´m trully blessed by my ¨family¨salvadorena.
Since I´ve been gone, I can´t think of more details going on right now, so I´ll save it for later when I´m in the middle of some projects or something. But, so you know, I saw all of the lights of San Salvador last night from a high plane, and it was amazing, the view. It was hard to imagine the danger that exists down below. Although I´ve never been in danger, thank God, I know it exists and I know of many stories. Please continue to pray, not for me necesarily, but for the evil at work to be scattered...for the people who live in poverty...for the kids raped...for the safety of Salvadorans. I truly love these people and this place, even though it´s easy to despise many things. Everyday I´m confronted with new faces, new beauties, new lessons, new adventures. Although challenging, it´s worth it.
Posted by
In Transition
1:48 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hey! Well, this week´s been fabulously rainy! I seriously love it because I´m wearing a jacket right now, and plus it´s a nice change of pace because we haven´t had electricity or water for 4 days after a big storm that passed through. After 6:30 p.m. I have to stay in my house, and we just chat or sing or listen to the rain, or just go to bed. I like the relaxation...and the cold!! :) Also, get to hike to the water source to bathe and wash clothes. That´s always a fun experience.
Chatted with the mayor this week, and hopefully we´ll be getting uniforms and letrines very soon! Gracias a Dios! Also, I´ll be giving a dance workshop in a different state this weekend. I´m super pumped about this opportunity to dance and teach again. Hopefully my dance terms in Spanish will correlate and they´ll understand. But, I´m looking forward to a weekend of excitement! Also, I´ll be training 5 youth in my canton who can already dance well (cumbia and reggaton). I´ll be training them in different dances with the purpose that they can eventually teach. Hopefully, it will be a good job opp. for them in the near future. I´m very positive about this project, and know that the skill of dance, and the skill of teaching are very useful and can be a great financial source for these kids. Atleast I hope so!!! :)
Well, I´m missing all of my friends and family a ton, but also daily encouraged by the relationships I have here. I´m very blessed. Lots of love from ES!
Posted by
In Transition
11:07 AM
Monday, July 09, 2007
Posted by
In Transition
10:18 AM
Monday, June 18, 2007
So, I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled today...crazy, I know. But, it's actually really good to be in the capital again. I don't know why, but I needed it this time. Okay, I do know why. It's been a tough week. Started out, I got the pastor from the pulpit talking about how bad it is that the Believers let their daughters go play softball, then on Monday I puked all day, and got most people talking trash that I got a boyfriend (a guy that's from my canton) just because we've had conversations and he's young. Granted, he says he's in love with me, so they're validated I guess. ; and the land for the clinic is hay-wire...can't focus on that project because we just have to wait on the landowner to pay for registration...there's not even the "escitorio", and one of my best girl friends, and best players on the team quit...said she doesn't want to play. Long story. Anyway, it's been tough on the spirit. This week I was dying for some normalcy, spiritually speaking. What I mean is, I miss a passionate church, and hanging with followers of Christ that don't judge all the time and don't live by the list of rules that seriously choke the spirit all the while using a tongue that cuts sharp. It's so painful to watch others trapped in religion!!!
On a happy note, I'm now going to focus my attention on a. a micro-business for the women and b. a letrine project. Yah! Also, still running right along with the softball team. On a personal note, I'm a bit boy crazy for the first time since David and I broke up. So, it's hard to do the whole maintaining my distance from the guys. But, I'm doing it...kind of. ;} Why do we girls like attention so much?!?!? I've decided it's gotta be a trap from Satan...charm and sweet words that stroke the ego...Ughhh! I'm such a depraved and self-centered person. Good thing I got a Savior that helps me out and keeps me in check and still loves me...I think he even likes me.
Seriously, though, I've been reading Blue like Jazz (thanks to my fabulous MeeMaw who sent me an awesome package of books!), and it's hit the heart. I highly recommend it. Some of it has been like a light bulb going off saying - Ahhh, yeh, that's exactly how to describe what I was feeling when.... or yeh, I DO need Jesus and He's worth talking about. Good book.
Posted by
In Transition
11:21 AM
Monday, June 04, 2007





So, the pics are of me and some PC Volunteer friends: Reagan, Celia and Rachel. Then, there's one of me teaching the exercise class. Then, one of me when we went fishing. then, one of the entrance to the lake at 5:30 am when we went fishing. Check out the pics to the left for more photos.
Posted by
In Transition
5:15 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Posted by
In Transition
10:26 AM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Long Live El Salvador!! :)
I´ve now been in my site for 3 weeks, and it´s a miracle how at home I feel. I couldn´t ask for a more welcoming community where I feel at ease to share of myself...God´s truly blessed me with a family environment. I live with Ester, a sixty something year old lady who´s bursting with personality with her high pitched screechy voice that could be annoying but it´s endearing. She´s a Christian, and she´s spunky...I mean a lot of spunk. She takes care of me, but still can give me room to be an adult also, which I like. She´s been telling me the town gossip, even though, ¨she doesn´t like to talk about people, but...¨ I need to know so that people don´t talk about me because of who I hang out with. It´s true, really. So, it´s good to have the inside scoop.
The fact that my canton is mainly evangelical is a good and a bad thing. Good because the people are very giving and loving, and it´s nice to talk about the things of the Lord. Bad because they´re legalistic as well. It´s pretty taboo that I dance, so I´m trying not to do it, even though the young people want to learn. I´d love to teach it, but am afraid of the reprucions (sp?) with the relationships and trust of the parents. Anyway, it´s a minor thing, but it´s just a bit frustrating. It´s the denomination where everyone prays out loud and there´s a lot of screaming and babbling and when people talk,, they have to one talks in a normal voice. I find that wierd and don´t see how it´s seen as worship or glorifying to God. But, to each his own.
This Saturday I start teaching English. To the youth at 9am and to the adults at 11:30am. Then, we´re trying to start a softball team for the girls to have something to do besides stay in the house. Also, it´s a good opp. to form relationships with a few of them and open doors for really good conversations and learning\teaching opps. Also, on Tues. and Thurs. I´ll be leading an exercise class for the women and young ladies. They need exercise, and it´s a good avenue to discuss health issues...also a good preventitive measure. Then, our main objective is building a health clinic in our canton so the the people don´t have to walk an hour to the town Consuelas, and so that the health promotor has a place to store the medicine and do checkups. Tomorrow a couple leaders and I are going to get papers for the ADESCO and the land authorized so that we can begin soliciting. Then, I´m really excited because since Intervida is already working in our community, we´re going to solicit to them, and I think that option will work out well. If not, we´ll look for other means. Other ideas for future projects are Letrines (half of the comm. doesn´t have a latrine. It´s like an outhouse. So, they just go in the woods\behind the house), Chimneys for the wood stoves, beautifying the field and making it more like a park and more shady and a good place for the people to enjoy life a little. They work so hard and receive so little. It would be awesome for them to have a spot to relax\play.
Regarding cultural norms, my canton´s pretty special. No guys throw piropos, meaning no one says crude things to me as I walk by. I feel pretty well respected overall. The guys, for the most part, are descent and not so machisto like a lot of Salvadorans. So, I´m very thankful for that. However, I´m having to guard myself a bit because I don´t want to be naive and end up with some guy coming on to me. Being the white, tall, ¨blonde gringa¨ is an automatic attention grabber. It´s ridiculus because the people here actually say that everyone in ES is ugly, and that the U.S. has all people bonito. Isn´t it crazy how skin color and height can be so important to some people? I personally think the people here are beautiful, and their appearances (most) are very attractive as well.
Well, that´s it for the current update. For a couple of fun facts: I rode a horse, got peed on by some bug that burned my skin, swam under a waterfall, and am learning to make tortillas quite well. Until next time, God Bless and thanks for reading!
Posted by
In Transition
10:53 AM
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hey peeps!! Sorry it's been so long since I've written, but I finally pulled up blogger!! First of all, let me say a huge HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER LOGAN!!! Hope you have a fantabulous day!! Well, lots has happened since I last wrote. I now know where I'll be living and working, and also visited the site this last's great for me. I'll be in the department Usulutan, in the municipality of Nueva Granada, in the canton of Potrero de Joco. It's not necessarily a pretty site, but it's beautiful in it's own way. It's flat, hot, and dusty. :) But, there's a lake and a river in the distance that I can see from the soccer field, and it's only a 30 min. walk to get there. It's actually the way most people gain money, other than remesas from the U.S. They fish. The house I'll be living in is small with a living room and 2 bedrooms. I have 1 bedroom as my own. A 14 yr. old girl, Ana, has the other, and the grandma, Ester, just has the living room. I'm going to paint the room green and buy a mattress, a closet thingy, and probably a rug because the floor is just dirt. The family is especially kind and welcoming. They're Christians, which is cool. Evangelicals here are considered kind of crazy, I think, and over the top, but these folks are really calm and real. They have beautiful hearts and aren't judgemental, or so it seems. The politics I don't think will be an issue because both parties work well together there. There are many organizations working in my canton because it's considered one of the poorest areas in the country. So, the gov.'s program, Red Solidaria is there, as well as a non-profit from Spain, Intervida, and the United Nations' agency, FAO. They're my main counter-part, and the representative from there is super great and will be easy to work with. I already have many ideas for work, and will share more once those projects come into play. Right now, I'm just visiting with the people and finding out the needs of the community and where to begin. It's a bit overwhelming, but I feel like God has placed me there for a reason, and it feels like a perfect fit. I'm already passionate about the community and the work to be done.
Ester, my landlord, is the mom of many many people, and they all live around me. There are several children, and they have become my fan club! It's hilarious...I couldn't get a moment to myself. But, I liked it. It feels like home and I'm anxious to get back. I really don't think I could feel any more at ease. It's good. The men in Potrero de Joco are also amazing. I haven't witnessed the machismo there, and I feel like many of them will be like uncles to me. It's so hard to explain everything, but I love where my new home is. The only thing that's uncomfy and bad is that I don't have a latrine at my house. I have to walk four houses up to use their latrine. Also, there are scorpions!! Yikes!! I already saw 2 while I was there for 4 days. I'm gonna be hanging sheets from the ceiling to keep them from falling into my bedroom.
Right now I"m back in San Vicente for a few days of Orientation, and then the swearing in ceremony in San Salvador and the party. Next Friday I move in for good to Potrero de Joco. Today we're actually throwing a party for our host families here at the center. It should be lots of fun. Oh! Bit of good camera's working again, so will upload more pics soon. God Bless and thanks for reading!!! Please keep in touch!
Posted by
In Transition
12:23 PM
Friday, March 09, 2007
I spent last weekend in "Immersion" out in the Western Departemiento called Ahuacapan, in a canton called Montecristo. It was about a 5 hour bus ride, and an hour hike to the location. But, I couldn´t go until Friday, while everyone else left on Thursday, because congratulations to me...I got amoebas!! It´s a great initiation into the Peace Corps, and gracias a Dios, we caught it early, so with some medicine and rest, I was feeling peachy-keen by Friday for the trip. So, back to that...Montecristo was really really hot, but beautiful. The family I stayed with is super "with it" and easy to talk to. I was amazed at their habits and their mentality...very different than the other Salvadorans I´ve spoken with. The 27 year old daughter wasn´t married and didn´t consider herself old. She still has hopes of marriage someday (most girls think that 24 is too old for marriage, since birth "has to" happen by 30) Also, they exercise...unheard of in the campo!! Super cool. I was especially happy to know they´re evangelicals, denomiation still unsure, but they were really into talking about theology and Christianity with me. I loved it, even though my Spanish skills need to be a bit more tailored for such deep conversations. We laughed so much, though, especially when they brought out the Bible to explain to me why the women cover their heads and only wear skirts (they were confused by my pants and short hair, uncovered mind you). I cracked a joke that the book Deaut., where they quoted for why women only wear skirts-dresses, was before Christ, and that He changed a few things. Also, that who´s to say women aren´t supposed to be wearing pants, and men - skirts? Afterall, back in the day, both men and women wore dresses. They thought that was hilarious and we laughed for a while. They had me on the head covering thing, though. I´m in thought on that one. Well, in addition to good company, I also bathed in a river for the first time. They didn´t tell me I was going there to wash...only to swim. So, I was a bit surprised when they pulled out the soap and said have at it. First of all, I didn´t know what to do. I mean, everyone´s just staring at me, waiting for me to do something, and I´m like, so what do I do? They literally walked me through it because I couldn´t take off my clothes (an art, I gotta say), and I had to shampoo. So, afterward, I didn´t feel too clean, but it was fun and it cooled me down after a sweaty day. All in all, I think I could live just fine on river bathing. :) I had another experience...with the letrine. There were bugs on my bum...yes, bugs on my bum. I screamed and from then on, was a squatter. Fun times. ;)
The next day, the volunteer who´s community I was in, took me on a hike and we ended up at a beautiful waterfall where we swimmed and jumped off of this big cliff. It was such a rush, and so needed after a month of all work and no play. I´m also thrilled to have received phone calls from my mom, my grandparents, and Jenny. Such a needed blessing of folks I love and miss. Seriously, although I love it here, and don´t feel lonely, I just miss the ones I already know and love and am comftorable with and don´t have to try and figure out where they´re coming from. I miss you, my family and friends. Just know that. Thanks for being in my life...and with that said, I pray you always are, and that I can contribute to yours. When I get my cell phone, call anytime!...I´m planning on getting that tomorrow. So, yeah! Much love and peace out!
Posted by
In Transition
5:36 PM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Look at my pics!! There aren´t many, but it took a long time to upload them. Hope they give you a better idea of where I am and who I´m with!
Posted by
In Transition
1:47 PM
Saturday, February 17, 2007


The way I bathe myself is I stand inside this little concrete room away from the casa, probably 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide, and there is another large concrete basin of water with a plastic bowl and a curtain to shield me from people´s viewing. I pour the water onto myself with each scoop of the cold cold water. I wash my hair last, and I have to brace myself for the shock of the frigid water on my head everytime. It definitely wakes me up!! It´s actually not all that bad, and daily it´s getting easier to adjust. Doésn´t all of it sound like fun?!?!
It´s an adventure that I´m enjoying and learning how to be flexible in more ways than one. I´m just hoping I don´t see a scorpion anytime soon, since I´ve heard stories today from other volunteers!!! Yikes!!! :}

Posted by
In Transition
4:51 PM
Sex Education and Reproductive Health are going to be topics to discuss. There´s definitely a need for this type of education, but it´s quite taboo to discuss the human body parts and how they work, and totally taboo to talk about sex or prevention or birth control. So, I have my work cut out for me, but it will be worth it when the people are educated and can make wise decisions regarding their health, both physically and mentally.
I´m having doubts as to my capabilities, but know Christ will give me daily strength and wisdom. It´s tough, but fun and envigorating at the same time. I´m staying sane by laughing a lot and listening to my ipod each night before I go to bed. I´m so thankful that I can communicate with people in Spanish, or it would be so much harder. It really is a large part to my happiness here...I can make friends because I can speak with people...that´s huge. Please pray for the volunteers who don´t have that luxury. It´s hard for them and I think they miss home a lot more because of that. Well, peace out and will write more soon!!!
Posted by
In Transition
4:24 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
I just love my G-Daddy! Seriously, I got to have 2 long breakfasts with Grandaddy over Jan., and I learned so much I never knew about my family! Don't you just love when that happens?!? He and my Nanny wrote songs and had them cool! Also, I learned about what a mason is...but, the best thing was just sitting there talking...and not forced conversation - it was awesome! We could have talked for several more hours. I don't know why I'm so astonished by this. I think it's because I've been away and haven't had many conversations that lasted more than 5 minutes with him in a long time. To make it short because I've got to head out, He's just a good man. I'd be blessed to find someone like him someday.
Posted by
In Transition
10:47 AM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
So, my sister is now wed!! She's Mrs. Bowen now, and it was quite a wedding! She looked absolutely beautiful and everything went off without a hitch, except for some wax running over onto the church carpet. But, we got it all up. It was an elegant evening with perfect winter rain or snow or anything, and the church was packed. Everyone loved the music selection (some of my favorite songs), and it was really special having all three of our uncles participate in the ceremony. When my Uncle Mitch started talking about Sheena being a little girl, I lost it and was crying for quite a while, trying to sniff it all back in and get together. But, pretty much everyone was shedding tears.
Then, the reception was so fabulously disguised as a winter wonderland. We had spray painted branches and trees from our back yard silver and it was really beautiful, I think. Sheena and Kydon's first dance went well, and so did Dad and her's. The food was all desserts, and the cake was gorgeous! It was just really sophisticated and fancy, but fun with all of the dancing. Their Knoxville friends really helped make it fun on the dance floor. They drove away in a stretch hummer limo, and now they're in Gatlinburg until school starts back. Crazy my little sister's married, but it's cool and I'm so happy for them. It was a packed weekend!! For more pics, click on View My Pics to the left. Then, later on when the photographers develop the wedding pics, I'll post them as well.
Posted by
In Transition
4:26 PM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy 2007! Happy New Year! Why is it, then, that every first day of the year I feel depressed? I know the answer, really. I end up looking back at the previous year thinking, what did I do? Who did I love? Who did I help? What did I learn? What did I contribute? How did I serve the Lord? Who did I lead to Christ? Once again, I end up disappointed at the answers to most of these questions. But, then come the resolutions, right? Well, I didn't make any this year, really. I have made a few over the last few months, but not particuarly for the new year...just for life. I have to say, though, that 2006 has been more than interesting. I found out I was going to the Peace Corps, loved and was loved, won dance competitions, travelled to Eastern Europe, had 3 months of vacation, had my heart broken - my fault, moved in with my sister in TN, far from my friends and life in California, and the list continues. It's really been a year of transition and life lessons - thus my blog title, In Transition. I guess I'm hoping for another exciting year, but with fewer tears (this coming from the one who doesn't cry). I'm looking forward to El Salvador and all God has in store for me. I know that the main thing I want to change is the way I prioritize my time. God and I are going to be having a lot of dates because He is the most important person/thing in my life, and yet my daily schedule doesn't reflect that. So, hopefully when you see me next, if you ever see me, I'll be a bit wiser and my knees a bit rougher. It's going to be a good year.
Posted by
In Transition
12:37 PM